It is interesting to realise that Psalm 133 is equivalent to Ephesians 4, and that when we are in the Body and are diligent to keep the oneness of the Spirit, we have the anointing of the Spirit (vv. 3-6); the anointing oil as the compound ointment is a type of the processed Triune God, […]
Our Oneness is the Anointing of the Spirit which Mingles us with the Triune God
Ezekiel 1 shows us God’s Eternal Intention to have the Manifestation of God in Man

The conclusion of Ezekiel 1 is that on the throne there’s One who has the appearance of a man, and the four living creatures also have the appearance of a man, which shows us that, in His mysterious relationship with man, God mingles Himself with man to become the same as man and make man […]
The Body of Christ is Jesus living again in His members on earth – God mingled with man and living in man!

When we really touch the meaning of what the Body of Christ is, we will be changed in our entire being. The Body of Christ is a reality that affects our whole being once we see it! I really enjoyed the second message in the conference we just had last weekend in Holland, entitled, The […]
college age conference testimony – seeing a vision of God’s building, the mingling of God and man
Have you ever considered that God has a heart’s desire? This is what’s on His heart, this is what He is after. God’s heart’s desire is to have His building (Exo. 25:8). This building is not a school, a factory, a chapel or some kind of physical building but a group of people who are […]
we are now light in the Lord, so therefore let us walk as children of light, bearing the fruit of the light
It is so easy to “miss it” when you come to a verse that you have read so many times, and it is quoted by others so often. This morning I enjoyed these two simple verses in Ephesians 5:8-9, For you were once darkness but are now light in the Lord; walk as children of […]