Our Priestly Service must Originate from God and be According to His Limitation

As believers in Christ who are part of the holy and royal priesthood, we carry out our priestly service to the Lord; this service must originate from Him as the God of measure, and it must be according to His leading and His limitation. Amen! This week we have been enjoying the matter of life […]

The Qualifications for Seeing a Vision of God’s Building as seen in Ezek. 40:1-4

The vision of God’s building in Ezek. 40-48 is the culmination and ultimate point of the book of Ezekiel, and for the prophet to have this vision, there were some qualifications; we need to see the qualifications for seeing the vision of God’s building. Ezekiel didn’t receive the vision of God’s building in chapter one […]

Exercising our Spirit to Enjoy and Experience the Christ Revealed in Zech. 2

In the first part of Zechariah, we see many visions of Christ which bring in consolation to the people of God. In the second part of the book there are many aspects of Christ being revealed, which bring in encouragement to the people of God for the rebuilding of the temple. We need to exercise […]

the more we allow the Lord to measure, judge, test, and possess us, the deeper the flow becomes

Lord, may there be enough water in my being that one can swim in! When the flow increases to such an extent, there is no more human effort to go on in the flow – we are directed and guided by the flow of the river wherever it goes. No more human effort, human strength, or human struggle – we are carried along with the flow! [continue reading online]

A real seeing of the Lord in glory exposes and terminates us, even cleanses and purges us

These days we’re enjoying the fourth message from the Crystallization study of the book of Isaiah (1), entitled, The Vision of Christ in Glory. Isaiah saw God – even when he was depressed and very unhappy with the situation of the people of Israel. And this is what happened (Isaiah 6:4-5): And the foundations of […]