As believers in Christ, we are God-men, born of God with His life and nature, and we have the divine right to participate in God’s likeness to bear His likeness, and we have the right to participate in God’s species, for we are God-man kind. Hallelujah! Many times we believers behave in a certain […]
We have the Right to Bear God’s Likeness and to be God-man Kind, God’s Species
Seeing that we are God-men, the Reproduction of Christ as the God-man to Express God

The Gospels speak of the God-man Jesus Christ; this God-man passed through death and resurrection to be reproduced into many God-men, for we as believers in Christ are the reproduction of Christ, the God-men who are being made like Christ in life, nature, and expression, but not in the Godhead. Hallelujah! If you read the […]
Seeing that Jesus is the Man on the Throne and that We’re being Brought to the Throne

The mysterious thought concerning the relationship between God and man is that God created man in His image, according to His kind, so that He would work Himself into man and make Himself the same as man and make man the same as God until man fully expresses God and represents Him, and there’s a […]
We need to See that we are God-men, Born of God, Possessing God’s Life and Nature

We praise the Lord for the gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation for all those who believe. The gospel is not merely the story of Jesus who came to save us from our sins; the gospel the New Testament preaches is high, deep, and powerful, and it has a highest point. The […]
God Created us in His Image for us to Become God in Life and Nature but not in the Godhead

“I have a dream” – God has a dream, which is revealed in the Bible, and God’s dream is bigger and greater than any of our dreams. God’s dream according to the desire of His heart, is to make man the same as He is in every possible way so that God and man, man […]
God Created Man in His Image and even Became a Man to make Man God in Life and Nature

The Bible is not a “religious book” with many ethical, moral, and philosophical teachings to show us who God is what He wants from man; the Bible is a book that reveals to us what is in God’s heart, and by reading the Bible we find out what is God’s good pleasure. Based on what […]
Man is Becoming God through Transformation by Participating in God’s Divinity

The Bible as the complete and only divine revelation given by God to man is a wonderful book revealing us mainly one thing: the economy of God. If we human beings have our own “economy” (both personally and as families, households, cities, countries, etc), how much more does God have an economy! In His economy […]