The kingdom of David typifies the coming kingdom of Christ; today we have the privilege to have God wrought into our being to make us His kingdom, His people, His habitation. Hallelujah! If we look around us today we see so much violence and corruption, and there seems to be no righteousness on earth […]
Having God Wrought into us for the Church and Hastening the Coming Kingdom of Christ
Being open to God to Gain an Eternal Weight of Glory even as Sufferings Consume us

How privileged we are today to see that the momentary lightness of affliction works out for us an eternal weight of glory, and our sufferings are the means for God to have a way to work Himself more into us! Amen! In a proper and good way, we all need to become more spiritual, that […]
Christ Lived out of us as our Subjective Righteousnesses becomes our Wedding Garment

One of the most important things related to a bride is the wedding dress; our wedding garment as the bride of Christ is of fine linen, bright and clean, for it is the righteousnesses of the saints. As believers in Christ, our aspiration and inner yearning is not only to enjoy and experience Christ in […]
The Anointing brings God to us and the Incense is our going to God with Christ!

This week is our last in the series of the Crystallization-Study of Exodus (part 3), and the topic for this week is, “The Incense”. After God gave the pattern of the tabernacle including the ark of the testimony, the incense altar, the showbread table, the lampstand, the burnt offering altar, and the laver, in Exo. […]
To Shepherd according to God is to Minister the Processed God Constituted into us

To shepherd according to God (1 Pet. 5:2) requires that we become one with God, we are constituted with God, we live God, we represent God, and we minister God. We can shepherd according to God only by becoming the same as He is in life, nature, expression, and function. First, we need to be […]
God’s Economy and Goal are to Work Himself into Man and Build Man into Himself

In order for us to cooperate with the Lord for the building up of the church, the Body of Christ, we need to know the economy of God and allow God in Christ to build Himself into us. First of all, the church is the Body of Christ, the fullness of the One who fills […]
Having the Divine Reality Wrought into us to Become our Reality, Life, and Living

The church life is nothing else but Christ Himself being enjoyed, realized, experienced, and expressed through the believers in Christ for God’s corporate expression. In order for the church life to be such a place, we need to have our soul subdued and saturated with Christ as the life-giving Spirit. If we all live in our […]