Not only is God the source, the fountain of living waters for us to drink, but in His eyes the wicked one is the one who does not come to drink of Him, and we as His people commit an evil when we forsake Him as the fountain of living waters. Oh, Lord Jesus! The […]
Not Forsaking God as the Fountain of Living Waters but Drinking of Him Continually
The Divine Economy with the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity into us for the Church

We need to see and realize that the central matter in the Bible is the divine economy with the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity into us, the believers in Christ, for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ consummating in the New Jerusalem. Hallelujah! This week we come to […]
God will have Dominion over All the Earth by Flowing as a River of Water of Life

From the beginning to the end of the Bible we see God’s intention to be the water of life to man. In Genesis 2 there’s the “seed” of this truth, throughout the Bible there is the development and experience of the water of life, and at the end of the Bible in the very last […]
Drinking of God as the River of Water of Life for God to Fulfill His Purpose

God’s purpose is to have a corporate man to express Him with His image and represent Him with His dominion, and the way He is accomplishes His purpose is by His life. First, God in Christ is the tree of life for man to take in God, enjoy God, partake of God, and be filled […]
Enjoying God as the Fountain of Living Waters and Helping Others to also Drink Him

Today we need to first enjoy God as the fountain of living waters and then be one with the Lord to encourage and shepherd others to experience and enjoy God as the fountain of living waters. The ministry of life encourages the saints, shepherds them, leads them, and guides them to one thing – to […]
how lovely is the church, God’s dwelling place! We love being in God’s house, enjoying His presence!
The book of Psalms starts with the psalmists appreciating and uplifting the law (see Psa. 1), but God turns them again and again towards Christ – God’s heart’s desire, the precious One, the most lovely One, and the One anointed by God (see Psa. 2, 8, 16, 23, and 24). What a wonderful Christ! But […]