We need to be absolute for both the objective truths and the subjective truths; the objective doctrines are for the subjective truth to produce and build up the church. The truth in the divine revelation is not something relative, as the worldly people today seem to make it. In the world today truth is becoming […]
Objective Doctrines need to become Subjective Truths as Spirit and Life for the Church
We need to Know God not only in His Power but also Personally as Jehovah, Our God

God desires that His people know Him, and in Ezekiel the phrase “know that I am Jehovah” is mentioned at least sixty-four times; Him being God implies His power and His relationship with creatures, and Him being Jehovah denotes His relationship with man. Many things had to happen to the people of Israel so that […]
The Center of God’s Authority in the New Jerusalem is the Throne of God and of the Lamb

The New Jerusalem is the consummation of God’s eternal purpose and should be our experience and enjoyment today. The features and characteristics of the New Jerusalem should be our experience today in our Christian life and church life. The first thing we see concerning the New Jerusalem is the throne of God and of the […]
A Fresh View and a Deeper Understanding of “In the Beginning God Created”

This week we will take a closer look at the topic of, Creation in Christ for the Fulfillment of God’s Purpose. The Bible is a wonderful book, and no matter how much people fought against it, the Bible is still here to stay and triumph. The book of Genesis in particular is a wonderful book, […]