We believers in Christ serve God by trusting in His mercy in the selection of grace, for God is sovereign and merciful. When we see God’s sovereignty, we will simply worship Him for His sovereign mercy, for He is the One who does everything in us and for us; even in bearing the responsibility, He […]
Serve the Lord by Trusting in His Mercy in the Selection of Grace: God is Sovereign!
God Sovereignly Created us to be Vessels of Mercy and Honor Prepared unto Glory

God is sovereign, and God sovereignly created us to be His containers, vessels of mercy unto honor and glory, according to His predestination; He is making known the riches of His glory upon us, the vessels of mercy, which He had before prepared unto glory. Amen! We all need to see a vision of God’s […]
See a Vision of God’s Sovereignty and Worship Him for His Sovereignty and Mercy

As believers in Christ, it is crucial for us to see a vision of God’s sovereignty and His mercy so that we may realize that He is the sovereign One working behind the scenes, He is the One above everything, in everything, and behind everything to show us mercy to make us vessels of mercy […]
We have Faith in God, His Heart, his Word, His Will, His faithfulness, and His Sovereignty

We need to take up the shield of faith in our daily living, and we do this by having faith in God, in God’s heart, in God’s faithfulness, in God’s ability, in God’s word, in God’s will, and in God’s sovereignty. God’s heart is full of love toward us, and He has no intention […]
Learning to Keep a good order in the Kingdom of God, walk with God, and have God’s Presence

We need to learn from the pattern of David to be one with God, trust in God, enjoy Christ as the good land to the point of bringing in the kingdom of God, keep the proper order in the kingdom of God, and not avenge ourselves but accept God’s sovereign arrangement even when we’re […]
Under God’s Sovereignty, He Arranges Situations and People to Expose and Terminate the Flesh

We can only worship God for His sovereignty, for under God’s sovereignty He arranges the people and situations around us to test us and be a cross to us to terminate our flesh; may we know God’s authority and fear Him, not daring to overthrow the divine order arranged by God. We see this […]
Every aspect of our Environment is under God’s Sovereign Hand as we Pursue Christ

It is amazing to realize that, as believers in Christ who are pursuing Christ today, every aspect of our environment is absolutely under God’s sovereign hand. Wow! This week in our crystallization study of the books of 1 and 2 Samuel we come to week 6, entitled, Spiritual Principles, Life Lessons, and Holy Warning […]