If we want to have the proper understanding of the Sabbath rest in Hebrews, we need to know the significance of the first mention of the Sabbath rest in the Bible: God created all things including man in six days, and on the seventh day He rested; man’s first day was a rest day, a […]
Enter into God’s Rest to Enjoy God; God Rests when man Expresses and Represents Him
Worship God in Spirit with Christ as the Reality, Offering Christ to God for His Satisfaction

We need to labor on the all-inclusive Christ in order to have a surplus of Christ to bring to the church meetings both for our enjoyment corporately and for the corporate worship of God our Father; we worship God in spirit and truthfulness, that is, in our spirit and with the Christ we have experienced […]
The Principle of the Sabbath is that we First Enjoy God and Rest in Him, then we Work

After seeing who are the workers of the tabernacle and what are their qualifications, today we want to see how God rested and was refreshed on the Sabbath, and therefore He charged that His people would keep His Sabbaths (Exo. 31:13-16); today we want to see what it means to keep the principle of the […]
We need to See that we are God-men, Born of God, Possessing God’s Life and Nature

We praise the Lord for the gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation for all those who believe. The gospel is not merely the story of Jesus who came to save us from our sins; the gospel the New Testament preaches is high, deep, and powerful, and it has a highest point. The […]
Our Experience of Christ rests on the Unshakable Foundation of God’s Righteousness

God is love; He loves man, He wants to gain man, and He wants to save man, but at the same time God is righteous, and according to His righteousness He cannot receive us or save us unless the requirements of His righteousness are met. The foundation of our salvation is not God’s love of […]
Being Laboring Priests of the Gospel Offering Saved Sinners to God for His Delight

As believers in Christ we are laboring priests of the gospel of God by serving God in our mingled spirit in the gospel of His Son (Rom. 15:16). We are laboring priests of the good news, the glad tidings, by serving God unceasingly in our spirit and worshiping, enjoying, and being mingled with God in […]
Working Together with God by First Enjoying Him and Entering Into His Rest

After God created man, He said, Very Good! and He rested. Man’s first day on earth was not spent in working for God or doing anything to please God but man spent the day with God in His rest. Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath! In Exo. 31:17 it says […]