The Lord is writing the name of God, the name of the city of New Jerusalem, and His new name on the overcomer, showing that the overcomers belong to God and even become God in life and nature, in a new way, for God to be expressed through the overcomers as the New Jerusalem. Hallelujah! […]
God writes the Name of God, of the New Jerusalem, and His New Name on the Overcomers
As we enjoy the Freedoms and Blessings of the Jubilee, we also Proclaim the Jubilee

We thank and praise the Lord for the freedoms and blessings of the jubilee, which include announcing the gospel to the poor, proclaiming release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, and sending away in release those who are oppressed. The matter of the jubilee is so full, so rich, and so […]
Living in the Jubilee by Continually Enjoying God as our Possession and Portion

We as believers in Christ are not God’s hired servants but His enjoying sons, and we can continually enjoy God as our possession until eternity. We were once prodigal sons, but we have returned to the Father, who is waiting for us eagerly. The proclamation of the jubilee in Luke 4 governs the central thought […]
God is our Inheritance and Possession, and He is our real Dwelling Place and Home

God is man’s real possession, inheritance, cup, and dwelling place, but through the fall man lost God; therefore, there’s the need of the sounding of jubilee for man to return to God as his possession. Christ is our jubilee, and when we have Him, we have real peace, joy, and freedom. But if we don’t […]
no longer poor, captives, or oppressed – we are now in the jubilee, released and returned to God!
Without God, man has no hope. No matter how many things he owns, how smart he is, what his achievements are – man in the world without God has no hope! This is because man was designed and created by God in a specific way – man is satisfied and filled with hope when he […]