The reality of the Divine Trinity is revealed in Matthew for the constituting of the kingdom of God; from the first to the last chapter of this book, we see the Triune God moving, working, speaking, and doing all things in oneness to gain man, constitute man, and fill man so that man becomes part […]
The Reality of the Divine Trinity for the Constituting of the Kingdom in Matthew
As we Labor on Christ and Eat Him, we’re Constituted with Him and become God’s Inheritance

As believers in Christ, we are constituted with what we eat; Christ is our heavenly food for our enjoyment, and as we labor on Christ as our good land, we gain Him as our enjoyment, we are constituted with Him, and we are transformed to become Christ’s treasure, His possession. Amen! This week we come […]
God is our Inheritance, we are His Inheritance, and we Know God by the Sense of Life

According to the new covenant, God is our God and we are His people (He is our inheritance and we are His inheritance), and we can know God subjectively (by living according to the sense of life in our spirit). How wonderful and rich is the new covenant! May we know the bequests of the […]
Today we are Enjoying the All-inclusive Spirit as the Unique Blessing of the Gospel

Hallelujah, Christ as the seed of Abraham was crucified and became a curse on our behalf to redeem us out of the curse of the law so that we may receive the all-inclusive Spirit as the blessing of the gospel promised to Abraham! Wow, praise the Lord! God didn’t just create us in His image […]
Living in the Jubilee by Continually Enjoying God as our Possession and Portion

We as believers in Christ are not God’s hired servants but His enjoying sons, and we can continually enjoy God as our possession until eternity. We were once prodigal sons, but we have returned to the Father, who is waiting for us eagerly. The proclamation of the jubilee in Luke 4 governs the central thought […]
God is our Inheritance and Possession, and He is our real Dwelling Place and Home

God is man’s real possession, inheritance, cup, and dwelling place, but through the fall man lost God; therefore, there’s the need of the sounding of jubilee for man to return to God as his possession. Christ is our jubilee, and when we have Him, we have real peace, joy, and freedom. But if we don’t […]
In the Year of Jubilee we Return to God as our Inheritance and We’re Freed from Slavery

Today in the New Testament age, the age of grace, we are in the year of jubilee, for the gospel has brought us into jubilee – we have returned to God as our inheritance and to the church as our family. Hallelujah for the year of jubilee, the acceptable year of the Lord! Since the […]