Our God – the God manifested in the Bible and especially in Deuteronomy – is a righteous, holy, faithful, loving, and gracious God, and He is also very fine, tender, considerate, and sympathetic; what a God we have! If we read this wonderful book, Deuteronomy, we see that our God is both a God of […]
God is Faithful and Loving: He’s Faithful in His Word and He Loves and Disciplines us
We should Walk in Love and Light to Grow, be Sanctified, and be Built up in the Body

As children of God, we believers should walk in love and light, having our daily walk constituted both with the loving substance of God and the shining element of God. The more we love the Lord in incorruptibility, the more we as children of God will walk in love and light. Love is the nature […]
Loving the Brothers is a Strong Evidence that we Passed out of Death into Life

It is so encouraging to prayerfully study and consider the Lord’s word to the church in Philadelphia, the church of brotherly love, for in such a church we are those loving the brothers! The word Philadelphia means brotherly love, having affection for a brother, a love that is characterized by delight and pleasure (2 Pet. […]
Church in Philadelphia depicts the Proper Church Life, the Church of Brotherly Love

This week we come to the Lord’s epistle to the church in Philadelphia, the church of brotherly love, the church in recovery – the recovered church. Just as the church in Sardis was the Lord’s reaction to the terrible situation in the church in Thyatira, so the church in Philadelphia was the Lord’s reaction to […]
Shepherding According to God by being One with God to Shepherd According what He is

This week we are exploring the deeper meaning and implication of the expression, “shepherding according to God” in 1 Pet. 5:2. The Lord Jesus as the good Shepherd took good care of His sheep when He was on earth, and now in His heavenly ministry He still cares for us, His flock, by interceding for […]