Because of the fall of man, mankind today is in darkness, and without God shining through His living word, we would remain in darkness, in the “dark ages”. But praise the Lord for the word of God, the embodiment of God as light! As believers in Christ we are children of light: we have seen […]
In the Word as a Realm of Light we Become Light in the Lord with the Fruit of Light
Shepherding According to God by being One with God to Shepherd According what He is

This week we are exploring the deeper meaning and implication of the expression, “shepherding according to God” in 1 Pet. 5:2. The Lord Jesus as the good Shepherd took good care of His sheep when He was on earth, and now in His heavenly ministry He still cares for us, His flock, by interceding for […]
Coming into God’s Light and Walking in it to have God as Light Shining in our Meeting

The service of the priests was to offer sacrifices on behalf of the people, to take care of the tabernacle with all its furnishings, to light the lamps in the Holy Place, and to burn the incense. Many Bible commentaries on the matter of lighting the lamps tell us that we need to be enlightened […]
The Triune God is the Enjoyment of the New Jerusalem: God the Father is the Light

The New Jerusalem as the consummation of God’s work throughout the ages and the accomplishing of God’s purpose is a living composition of God and man: God has been fully processed and consummated, being wrought into man to be united, mingled, and incorporated with man for God’s corporate expression. There are many details concerning the […]
God in Christ as Light Rules and Generates Life by His Shining; God’s Light Rules!

The Lord Jesus is the light of the world, and when He shines in us and on us, we will no longer walk in darkness but will have the light of life (see John 8:12). When God in Christ shines as the divine light, all darkness is eliminated, all rebellion and disorderliness is removed, and […]
God as Light Shines through the Redeeming Christ as the Lamp to Dispense God into us

The light of the New Jerusalem is God Himself in the Lamb as the lamp. There’s no need for sun or moon or any other natural or man-made luminaries in the New Jerusalem, because God Himself in Christ is the light of the city. If we were to come to God Himself, He dwells in […]