The book of Esther shows us a vivid record of how the hiding God of Israel secretly took care of His oppressed elect in their dispersion and openly saved His persecuted elect in their captivity; the hidden God cares for us and saves us even today, though He conceals Himself. We human beings are […]
Seeing that the Hiding God Secretly takes care of His People and Openly Saves Them
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, contacting God, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, longings, morning revival, our birthright, the Christian Life, the Word of God Tagged With: a God who hides Himself, a hidden God, crystallization study of Esther, God arranges all things, God hides Himself, God is hiding Himself, God secretly takes care of us, holy word for morning revival, Ron Kangas, the hiding God, Witness Lee
The God we Serve is Hiding Himself, and He Operates in us Silently yet Mightily

We need to realize that the omnipotent God whom we are serving is still hiding Himself, especially when He is helping us or doing things in us, for the God who hides Himself is operating within us silently yet mightily. Amen, what a God we have! He is real, so real, yet He is […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, contacting God, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, His heart's desire, longings, morning revival, the Christian Life, the Word of God Tagged With: a God who hides Himself, Christ operates in us, crystallization study of Esther, God does things in secret, God hides Himself, God is hiding Himself, God operates in secret, holy word for morning revival, pray in secret, Ron Kangas, secret time with God, trust in God, Witness Lee