The Divine Trinity is the model of our Christian life, and we regenerated believers with our tripartite being need to cooperate with the indwelling Divine Trinity to be mingled with God and for God to be glorified in us. The New Testament reveals that the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are all in us; […]
Cooperating with God in our Tripartite Being to be Mingled with the Divine Trinity
Seeing and Experiencing the Glory of God in the Building of God (the Gospel of John)

In the gospel of John we see the glory of God in the building of God – first, the glory of God was manifested in Christ, the tabernacle of God with man, and then we were included in the divine-human incorporation in Christ’s resurrection! The governing vision in this book is life and building; life […]
Walk in a Manner Worthy of God and Let Your Light Shine so that God may be Glorified

The believers in Christ have been called by God to enter into His kingdom and glory (1 Thes. 2:12). God actualized His choice and predestination by calling His believers in time through His appearing to them as the God of glory. We all can testify that we were living our life in the vanity of […]
we are becoming the house of His beauty by receiving His daily dispensing in His Word
How wonderful – God is beautified in His church, and the church is the house of His beauty! By putting Himself into us as the Spirit and the word, Christ becomes our beauty, brightness, and splendor! When we get into the Word of God, as Eph 5:26-27 says, we are being washed, cleansed, purified, and […]
we are now one with Christ and part of the corporate Servant of Jehovah(as typified by Israel)
As we saw previously, in the book of Isaiah there are at least three persons that typify Christ and also typify us – Cyrus the king, Isaiah the prophet, and the people of Israel. Even though Cyrus was a Gentile king, God chose Him, formed him, prepared him, and strengthened him to do His will […]
to the only wise God through Jesus Christ – to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen!
The book of Romans ends in a glorious way – with the verse in Rom. 16:27, which says, To the only wise God through Jesus Christ, to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen. Wow, what a conclusion! Though the book of Romans gives a general discussion on the Christian life, the conclusion of […]
The results of the fellowship of life: we enjoy God, we walk in the light, and we bear much fruit for God!
The fellowship of life is something so precious and so vital – it is the flow of the divine life in us and among us. When we have the fellowship of life, we are enlightened by the Lord’s light to see our sins and then we confess them to God – and His blood cleanses […]