God is on the throne, and He looks like jasper and like sardius, and there’s a rainbow around the throne; our God is the God of life and redemption, and He is the covenanting God, the faithful God who keeps His covenant while executing His judgment upon the earth. Hallelujah for the rainbow around God’s […]
Praise our Life-giving and Redeeming God on the Throne who Keeps His Covenant!
The Rainbow is a Sign of God’s Faithfulness in Keeping His Covenant with Man

This week we are on the last great crystal in chapter 1 of Ezekiel, which is the rainbow – the consummation of the experience of the Christian life and the church life, and today we want to see that the rainbow is a sign of God’s faithfulness in keeping the covenant! Ezekiel 1, the deepest […]
A Revelation of the Enjoyment of Christ as the Incarnated God in the House of God

This morning I was enlightened and impressed to see that in Psa. 84 there’s a secret revelation of the enjoyment of Christ as the fulfillment of the type of the tabernacle so that we, His believers and the members of His Body, may be incorporated into Him to become the reality and consummation of the […]
God’s Covenant with Noah and the Rainbow: Enjoy God’s Faithfulness and His Promises

The first major covenant God made with man was His promise to Adam that “the seed of the woman will bruise the serpent on the head” (Gen. 3:15); this promise was fulfilled in the Lord Jesus as the individual seed of the woman, and it is being fulfilled today in the overcomers in the churches […]
God’s Intention is to be the Fountain of Living Waters for us to Drink of Him Today

This week in our morning revival we are enjoying the matter of drinking and flowing the water of life in resurrection. In Exodus 17:6, right at the beginning of their journey through the wilderness, the children of Israel were at the foothill of mount Horeb (which was Mount Sinai), and they had no water. It […]
12 Items Related to the Fellowship Being the Flow of the Divine Life in us

Just as blood is indispensable for our human life so fellowship is vitally important for our spiritual life. Fellowship is the flow of the eternal life into us and through us into others. The divine life which we have received through regeneration is the flowing Triune God, and we need to daily keep ourselves in […]
being those who fellowship with the Body and consider the Body in everything

One of the most important principles of the Body is fellowship – the divine fellowship is actually the reality of living in the Body of Christ. If we see the Body, we will no longer do things by ourselves and without letting others know; rather, we will fellowship and coordinate with the other members of […]