Faith means to believe that God is and we are not and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him; He is everything to us and in us, and we deny ourselves and take Him as our everything – this is faith. Praise the Lord, God has allotted to each one […]
Faith: Believe that God is and We are Not; He’s a Rewarder of those who Diligently Seek Him
God’s Economy is in Faith: when we See God’s Economy, Faith is infused into us!

God’s economy is initiated and developed in the sphere of faith, for God’s economy is in faith; faith is a matter of seeing God’s economy and having an appreciation for Him and His economy, and faith is also that we are not but God is. Everything of God and of His economy can be […]
Enjoy God as the One who is, who was, and who is coming, and as the Sevenfold Intensified Spirit

The experience and enjoyment of the Divine Trinity in full are consummated by the One who is, who was, and who is coming, by the seven Spirits (the sevenfold intensified Spirit), and by Jesus Christ, the faithful Witness, the Firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth (Rev. 1:4-5). […]
Faith and Love: by Faith we Receive the Lord, through Love we Enjoy the Lord Jesus

Faith and love are two excellent virtues of the believers in Christ; they are inseparable, for through faith we receive the Lord and through love we enjoy the Lord whom we have received. Amen! We need to cooperate with the Lord to have our faith and love developed day by day in our Christian life. […]
Our God is I AM WHO I AM: He is the Self-Existing and Ever-Existing Eternal One

Our God wants us to know who He is, and He wants to be our God and we His people; the most wonderful name of Jehovah God is “I am who I am”, the self-existing and ever-existing eternal One. We all derive our being from Him, we have breath because He simply is, and He […]
Faith makes us Pleasing to God, for Faith is to Believe that God is and We are NOT

Without faith it is impossible to please God, to make Him happy, for whoever comes forward to God must believe that God is; we need to believe that God is and we are not – this is the real denial of the self, and this is faith. All believers in Christ, those who had a […]
Faith is to Believe that God is and we are Not; we live in an Organic Union with Him

It is indeed wonderful, relieving, and liberating to realize that faith does not originate from us: we cannot manufacture faith, we are not supposed to “try our best to believe”, but we simply need to open to the Lord and spend time with Him in His word, and there will be a reaction in us […]