Serve the Lord by Trusting in His Mercy in the Selection of Grace: God is Sovereign!

We believers in Christ serve God by trusting in His mercy in the selection of grace, for God is sovereign and merciful. When we see God’s sovereignty, we will simply worship Him for His sovereign mercy, for He is the One who does everything in us and for us; even in bearing the responsibility, He […]

Choose to Partake of Christ as the Tree of Life to be Constituted with Him for His Expression

 Our great God gives us freedom of choice: we can either partake of the tree of life or of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; when we take Christ as the tree of life, we enjoy Him and are constituted with Him, and we accomplish His eternal intention. Amen! This week […]

When man’s will is in Harmony with God’s Will, His Will is done on Earth as in Heaven

The Almighty God who created all things and is omnipotent and omnipresent is limited by man in what He wants to do on earth, for He needs man’s will to be in harmony with God’s will for Him to carry out His will on earth. This may sound surprising or even shocking, but the God […]

When Man Echoes God’s Will back to Him in Prayer He can Accomplish His Will on Earth

Although God has a will, He doesn’t act independently; rather, when man echoes God’s will back to Him in prayer, He can do anything, and when God’s people agree with God’s will, He will carry out what He wants. This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Praying for God’s Will […]

As the Church we Stand with God’s Will to subdue Satan’s will and Defeat God’s enemy

Spiritual warfare is necessary because Satan’s will is set against God’s will, and we human beings need to be joined in our will with God’s will to defeat and destroy Satan and bring in the kingdom of God on earth. Since the rebellion of Satan, now there is another will in the universe, a will […]

What Are You Eating? Are you eating from the tree of life? (via truthquestions)

We have heard the saying, You are what you eat, and we know it is true – if we eat properly, we will have proper health and human living. If we eat junk food / “fast food”, our health and our physical condition will not be that great. It is the same with God – […]

we need to grow in life every day – be filled with the divine life!(sharing from the yp conference in Poland)

Praise the Lord for the wonderful supply of His life in His Body. Year by year, I appreciate more and more the opportunity of being at the conferences, where we can be completely separated from our problems and we can consecrate this time to the Lord. Together with other saints, we have an opportunity to […]