In Paul’s writings we can see what the grace of God is: grace is nothing outward like a material possession that God gives us, neither is grace merely unmerited favor; grace is God Himself in Christ as the Spirit given to us, gained by us, and enjoyed by us so that our living may be […]
Our Christian Living must be the Living of Grace to Minister Grace to others
What is Grace? Grace is God in Christ as the Spirit Gained by us and Enjoyed by us

In Acts 20:24 Paul calls the gospel “the gospel of the grace of God”, saying that he considered his life of no account as if precious to himself, so that he may finish his course and the ministry which has received from the Lord Jesus to solemnly testify of the gospel of the grace of […]
treasuring being in the house of God: here we’re enjoying all the blessings of God
From our experience we can testify that one single day in the house of God is better than a thousand anywhere else. We may be away from God and we may think “we have the time of our life”, but when we come into the house of God and we aspire to have the highways to Zion in our heart, taking the way of the church internally, we will realize how good it is to be here! We would rather “stand at the threshold of the house of God than dwell in the tents of the wicked” (Psa. 84:10). It is much better to be at the door, on the threshold, of the house of God, than to be in the house / tent of the wicked. [continue reading online]