As the all-inclusive stone, Christ is the centrality of God’s move for the building up of His eternal habitation; Christ as the cornerstone is both our Savior and the Builder of God’s house. When the Lord Jesus was speaking concerning Himself and His authority, He said that He is the stone which the builders rejected […]
Praising Christ as the Cornerstone – He’s our Savior and the Builder of God’s House
Ezekiel is a Book full of Humanity, showing how much God desires to have a Man!

The expression “son of man” is mentioned more than ninety times in Ezekiel, and the main material of God’s building seen by Ezekiel was wood; this week we want to see more concerning the son of man and the humanity of Jesus for God’s building. We have previously seen the matter of the Man on […]
Being Built up with Fellow Believers is the Lord’s Supreme Requirement of His Seekers

Being built up with fellow believers is the Lord’s supreme and highest requirement of His faithful seekers according to His top divine attribute – the divine oneness (see John 17). The bride of Christ is not an individual spiritual Christian but a corporate entity, a building up of the believers who pursue Christ, enjoy Him, […]
The Mending Ministry is More than Fixing a Hole; it Makes us Suitable for God’s Building

There’s a certain correlation between the occupation of those called by the Lord Jesus to follow Him and their future ministry in the Lord. When the Lord Jesus called Peter and Andrew, they were casting the net into the sea to catch fish (Matt. 4:18-20); Peter’s ministry was to catch men alive, to be a […]
taking the way of each one prophesying for the building up of the church

The way for us to build up the church as the organic Body of Christ is through prophesying. God desires to have a built-up church, and Christ promised, “I will build My church” (Matt. 16:18). How does Christ build up His church? In Ephesians 4:15-16 we see that the whole Body grows by holding the […]
he who prophesies builds up the church as the organic Body of Christ

Our God is a speaking God, and we are the speaking people of the speaking God! When we come together with the saints, our meeting need to be full of speaking Christ to one another! According to 1 Cor. 14:3-4, he who prophesies SPEAKS building up and encouragement and consolation to man! Also, he who […]