We need to set our entire being absolutely on the Lord to be transformed into His image and become His duplication, the Shulammite, consummating in the New Jerusalem as the bride of Christ. When we love God, we set our entire being on Him, we are occupied by Him and lost in Him, and […]
Set our Entire Being Absolutely on the Lord to Love Him and Become His Duplication
We Keep God’s Courting Word by having a Responsive and Affectionate Love for Him

The entire Bible is a divine romance, and Song of Songs in particular is an abridged form of this romance between God and man; we need to keep God’s courting word by having a responsive and affectionate love for Him, loving Him as our Husband. Amen, Lord Jesus, we love You! Most unbelievers and […]
In a Pure and Holy Sense, the Bible is a Romance: God has a Love Relationship with us

If we were to enter into the deep thought of the Bible, we will realise that the Bible is a romance, in a most pure and holy sense, with God as the male and we as His people as the female, for us to enter into marriage together. In our Crystallisation-study of the book of […]
Having a Will that is Subdued and Strong in Resurrection for the Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare can also be seen in the Song of Songs, for spiritual warfare is a major part of our love affair with the Lord; our will needs to be subdued and strong in resurrection, and it will be like the tower of David, the armory for spiritual warfare. In our prayerful consideration of the […]
The Bible is a Divine Romance, a Record of God Courting His People and Marrying them

The Bible is a book of love – the entire Bible is a divine romance, for it is a record of how God is courting His chosen people whom He eventually marries. Our eyes are blessed to read such a fact and our ears are blessed to hear this, for many in the Old Testament […]
the Lord Jesus is the Bridegroom courting us to be His bride to marry Him!

The Lord Jesus did not come to earth only as a Savior and Redeemer. As we see in John 3, the Lord came as the Bridegroom, and Him being the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world was for redeeming His bride! We were regenerated to be part of the bride […]
the Bible is a romance: God really loves us and He is continually courting us

The entire Bible is a divine romance, showing us that throughout the centuries God loved man and had a romance with man. From Genesis to Revelation we see a love story of how God courts His chosen people and eventually marries them! In the Old Testament the people of Israel were not only the people […]