Seeing Who the Overcomers are, How are they Produced, and What is the New Jerusalem

This week we are coming to the book of Revelation to see a wonderful revelation of the glorious Christ. The book of Revelation doesn’t merely speak of “the end of the world” and of all kinds of signs and wonders that will happen when God will judge the earth but, as Rev. 1:1 says, it […]

Practicing to Live by the Spirit as the Elementary Rule to be the Israel of God

God desires to get a group of people who express Him with His image and represent Him with His dominion. For this, He created man in His own image and likeness (Gen. 1:26) and He prepares everything for man to take God in as the tree of life and live by Him. However, man fell, […]

Being the Overcomers who Fight the Spiritual Warfare to Hasten the Lord’s Coming

Our Christian life and church life today toward the end of this age is in the middle of a spiritual warfare. We need to be watchful and on the alert to know what the enemy is doing and what’s he up to, and bind him, limit his activities, and inflict loss on his kingdom. The […]

Being Produced as Overcomers, the Eternal Mount Zion as the New Jerusalem Today

The New Jerusalem is not only the consummation of the city of God but also of the Mount Zion, the overcomers, who are the elevation and the beauty of God’s city. God’s pleasure, His desire, and His habitation is not only in Jerusalem but more specifically in Zion, the place of His habitation. Zion as […]

a view of the coming millennial kingdom in its heavenly and earthly part

The Bible clearly speaks in both the Old Testament and the New Testament concerning the coming kingdom, the millennial kingdom, the 1000 years age of the kingdom, which only some of God’s people and the nations will enjoy. For the believers, this time will be a reward given to the overcoming ones, while the ones […]

seeing the age we live in, what we are, and what our goal as believers is

As believers in Christ, we need to have a clear view concerning what age we live in, what is God doing today, what are we, what should we aspire to be, and what is our goal. We live in the age of grace, the last age, where God is still moving and He is accelerating […]

the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; Lord, do good in Your good pleasure unto Zion!

Have you ever wondered what’s the connection between “a broken and contrite heart” and “Zion”? It looks like if we have such a spirit and such a heart, we are qualified to pray such a prayer, and we desire what the Lord also desires – the good of Zion (Psa. 48:2)!