In His economy, God became a man in the flesh through His incarnation so that man might become God in the Spirit through transformation for the corporate expression of God in man; for this, God moved in man by the transformations of the Triune God for the accomplishment of His eternal economy. Hallelujah! In Christ, […]
The Transformations of the Triune God in His Becoming a God-man to Accomplish His Economy
What is Grace? Grace is God in Christ as the Spirit Gained by us and Enjoyed by us

In Acts 20:24 Paul calls the gospel “the gospel of the grace of God”, saying that he considered his life of no account as if precious to himself, so that he may finish his course and the ministry which has received from the Lord Jesus to solemnly testify of the gospel of the grace of […]
by repenting and believing we can enter the kingdom of God to be God-men, God’s species
God became flesh – God became man – to enter into our race, our species, and now man becomes God in His life and nature (but not in His divine Godhead) to enter into the divine species. Man was created in the image and likeness of God with a spirit to receive God, but unless man makes a conscious decision under the divine light to receive the life of God, man is still man, part of the human kingdom. We are not “born Christian” by human birth but by our opening to the Lord to receive Him in our heat as Lord and Savior, even as our life. [read more online]
we are now in the process of becoming like Him
God became a man in the Lord Jesus Christ for the purpose of making us also the same as He is! His hearts’ desire is to have man as His counterpart (Rev. 19:7), His expression, the same as He is. That’s why He “bothered” / “took the pain” of becoming a man: the infinite God […]
the seed of man became the son of God!

This is actually our gospel, as Paul said in Rom. 1:1-4, 1. Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, a called apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, 2. Which He promised beforehand through His prophets in the holy Scriptures, 3. Concerning His Son, who came out of the seed of David according to the flesh, […]