The fireside chat started with a need for more fellowship especially during the 2020-2021 COVID19 pandemic; it started with a series of questions given during the 2020 European University Conference (which was held online). In this first session, brothers Chris Wilde, Ken Mooney, Peter Welk, Ray Mulligan, and Don Pullen sit down and share with […]
Online Fireside Chat 1 – Q&R – the COVID19 Pandemic, the Lord’s Return, Trauma, and being Saved from Isolation
Filed Under: Enjoying Christ, expounding the truth, Guest Articles, longings, serving the saints, the Body of Christ, the church life, young adults Tagged With: Chris Wilde, COVID19 pandemic, deal with obstacles, dealing with trauma, Don Pullen, fireside chat, go on with the Lord, Ken Mooney, not being isolated, online fireside chat, Peter Welk, questions and answers, questions and responses, Ray Mulligan, the Lord's return
Being Flexible in Pray-reading, and Enjoying and Sharing the HWMR with the Saints

In regards to practicing the morning revival, my wife and I do not have any forms – we are flexible in pray-reading. We can either pray first or read first and vice versa. That is no rigid way of having our revival. Feelings of satisfaction, joy and cleansing come in after each morning revival time. […]
Filed Under: contacting God, Enjoying Christ, feeding on the Lord, Morning Revival - Practice, the Christian Life, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: enlightened by the Lord, go on with the Lord, pray-read the Word, preparing to prophesy, raised together with Christ, read the morning revival, seek the things which are above, sharing our enjoyment