Disciple the Nations by Baptizing and Teaching them the Truth to be Kingdom People

Christ as the heavenly King sent His disciples with His authority to disciple all the nations, making them the kingdom people for the establishing of His kingdom, which is the church today on this earth; we are to disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the Triune God and teaching them the divine truth to […]

Disciple the Nations by Teaching New Believers God’s Economy: the Lord is with us!

Today we go to disciple all the nations by teaching new believers God’s New Testament economy, having the assurance that the Lord is with us until the consummation of this age! The great commission the Lord gave us is to disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the Triune God, and teaching them to observe […]

We Repent for the Kingdom and are being Baptized to be Immersed into the Triune God

We need to repent for the kingdom of God, taking Christ as our King and Lord, and we need to be baptized into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit to be immersed into the Triune God and enjoy all that He is. Amen! It is very interesting […]

We Go to Disciple all the Nations having the Lord’s Authority to Bind and Loose

Because all authority in heaven and on earth was given to Christ in His resurrection, we can go with His authority to disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; we go with the Lord’s authority to bind the strong man and […]

Christ is with us: we have His Authority to Disciple the Nations for the Kingdom of God

The Lord Jesus Christ, the first God-man and the King of the heavenly kingdom, has commissioned us to disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the Triune God and teaching them to observe all that Christ has spoken to us. After Christ accomplished His ministry on earth, He entered into the realm of resurrection and, […]

We go with Christ’s Authority to Disciple all the Nations, Baptizing them into God

Hallelujah, all authority has been given to Jesus, the Son of Man, in His resurrection, and He has sent us to go and disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the Triune God (see Matt. 28:18-19)! The gospel of Matthew, a gospel on the kingdom of God, ends with the Lord meeting His disciples on […]

Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom for a Testimony to All before the End of the Age

From the very first Gospel in the New Testament we see that the Lord Jesus didn’t come to “change the social system” or “bring peace on earth” or even to “change the world to better”; He came preaching another kingdom, the kingdom of God, which He called “the kingdom of the heavens”. He never promised […]