The Lord’s recovery is a recovery of loving the Lord Jesus with the first love and of eating the Lord Jesus as the tree of life for the building up of the organic Body of Christ; to believe in the Lord is not enough – we need to love Him, even to give ourselves […]
Give Yourself to Love the Lord with the First Love and Enjoy Him as the Tree of Life!
Seeing how the Entire Bible is a Divine Romance and Giving Ourselves to Love the Lord

“The entire Bible is a divine romance, a record of how God courts His chosen people and eventually marries them.” – this is what the Bible is all about. Beginning from Genesis 2 where we see that God says, It is not good for man to be alone (and by this He referred to Himself, […]
God uses “the locusts” to carry out His purpose and fulfill His interest!

Did you see the divine history within the human history? The truth is that the four kinds of locusts mentioned in Joel 1 and which are now operating in the world are way too obvious and outward and all over the place, and this may cause many saints and lovers of Christ to be wearied […]
seeing the human history according to God and being in the divine history

In the Minor Prophets more than anywhere else we can see that behind and within the outward human history there’s a divine history that is taking place. We are taught history in school and we think that THIS is what’s really going on; but we need to see the universal history according to God’s economy, […]
becoming the same as Christ to be qualified to work with Him for His Body

Who can work with the Lord for the Body? In Song of Songs we see that if we would work with the Lord for the Body we need to become the Shulammite, one who is qualified to work with the Beloved (see Song of Songs 6:13; 7:1-13). In other words, for us to work with […]
If we know that the Lord is the only One who can fill us, why do we look for other things to fill us?
This is the question we were asked last night in the home meeting, and it is a very good one – why do we still seek after many other things when we clearly know from the Bible that only God can satisfy us? Why do we still run to other things and try to find […]
testimony from being in the training – give yourself to love the Lord and be in the Body!
What is the Full Time Training? In the words on the FTTL website, “Every Christian needs training. Without training, we will not experience and enjoy Christ’s riches in full. We also need training to function and serve the Lord profitably. The Full-Time Training in London provides a special opportunity to be trained to enjoy Christ, […]