Part of our divine commission is for us to turn others from the authority of Satan to God (Acts 26:18); for this, we need first to have a clear sky with the throne of God above it. We need to read and pray, pray and read much over this verse in the Bible, for in […]
Having a Clear Sky with the Throne Above it to bring Others under God’s Authority
Ministering to the Lord by Giving Him the First Place and by Focusing only on Him

This week in our morning revival time with the Lord we come to the matters of Ministering to the Lord to enjoy Him as the hidden manna, the budding rod, and the law of life. We need to be those who minister not just to the house of God but minister to the Lord. We […]
Enjoy Christ as the Tree of Life by Loving Him with the First Love and by Eating Him

This week in our morning revival we focus on the topic of the Knowledge of life, and in particular today we want to see that Christ as life is the reality of the tree of life, and we need to eat Christ as the tree of life. We need to know life and the church, […]
Never Leaving our First Love for the Lord but Giving Him the First Place in all Things

The first epistle the Lord sent to the seven churches in Rev. 2-3 was to Ephesus, and He had only one thing against them, that they left their first love; therefore, they had to repent and do the first works – if not, He would come to them and remove their lampstand out of its […]
God Rules For Christ to Have the Preeminence in Us and Be Everything To Us

God’s desire is to give Christ the preeminence in all things – He wants Christ to have the first place in all things (see Col. 1:15, 18). In the old creation, Christ is preeminent – He is the firstborn of all creation. In the new creation, Christ is preeminent – He is the firstborn from […]
loving the Lord by giving Him the first place in our work and in our speaking

To love the Lord with the first love is to give Christ the first place in everything, and this means that we need to give Christ the first place in our work and in our speaking. Even in working for the Lord, we may do something out of ourselves and with a hidden motive to […]
overcoming the loss of the first love by giving Christ the first place in everything

I feel like we can never exhaust this topic which is also our experience daily. How can we overcome the loss of our first love for the Lord? How can we come back to Him to love Him with our first and our best love? We need to overcome the loss of the first love […]