We praise the Lord for His economy, and we pray to be those who have a clear vision of God’s economy to be governed and controlled by this vision; in the Lord’s recovery today we must be strong and unshakeable in the vision of God’s economy. In His economy God wants to simply work Himself […]
Having a Clear View of God’s Economy, being Directed by it and Knowing where we Are
Cooperating with God for Christ to be Preeminent through the Ruling of the Heavens

The heavens rule; God in heavens rules over all things for the purpose of making Christ preeminent and for accomplishing His economy, and we need to cooperate with Him by giving Christ the preeminence in all things under the ruling of the heavens. The Bible gives us a clear indication of what will happen at […]
We Elevate Christ Alone and we Separate ourselves from Heresy in the Church Life

Our God hates division and apostasy (heresy); in the church life we must elevate Christ and Christ alone, and we must be exercised to separate ourselves from any heresy (apostasy) and heretics (apostates). What God wants is that His people would be one (and not divided) and that they would stand in the truth and […]
Christ has the Preeminence in our Human Living when we are One with Him to Express Him

Christ should have the preeminence in our human living – we need to express Christ in our human living by living in the organic union with Him. The all-inclusive, extensive Christ is preeminent in the Triune Godhead, in the economy of God, in God’s administration, and in the old and new creation; this Christ needs […]
Christ should have Preeminence in our Tripartite Being and in our Spiritual Experiences

Christ should have preeminence in our tripartite being and in our spiritual experiences; He as the all-inclusive, extensive One needs to have preeminence in our being in all things. He came into us to be our life, and He is infusing Himself into us to be the very loving essence with which we love Him. […]
Giving Christ the Preeminence in our Love by Maintaining our First Love for the Lord

For Christ to be have preeminence in us and for Him to have the first place in our personal universe, Christ should have the preeminence in our love (Rev. 2:4). Actually, whenever we do not have a fervent, burning love for the Lord, we enter into degradation and desolation, but whenever we exercise our heart […]
Christ should have the Preeminence in our Personal Universe: give Him the First Place!

According to God, Christ occupies the first place in both the old creation and the new creation; Christ should have the preeminence in our personal universe, and we should give Him the first place in all things. What a wonderful, all-inclusive, extensive Christ we have! He is preeminent in everything; even in the Godhead, the […]