We need to daily labour on Christ and have a rich surplus of Christ to bring a harvest of Christ to the meetings of the church for our genuine worship of God. Because the church is the issue of the surplus of the enjoyment and experience of Christ of all the saints, we need to […]
Let us Bring a Harvest of Christ to the Meetings for the Genuine Worship of God
We need to Beware of Apostasy and Remain on the Way of the Lord in the Church Life

We need to beware of apostasy, which means to leave the way of God and to take another way to follow things other than God, and to do things for the self under the name of Jesus Christ and under the cloak of worshipping God. When we as God’s people forsake God as our King, […]
We’re being Trained to Worship God through Christ as the Reality of the Offerings

In Leviticus chs. 1-10 God trained His people to worship and partake of Him through the offerings and the priesthood; Christ is the reality of the offerings with which we worship God. We love God, we enjoy His word, and we appreciate our fellowship with Him and with all the saints, but as we see […]
Seeing that only God is God, we choose to Worship God by Confessing that He is God!

This week we will get into the matter of “The Worship of God” throughout the Bible in a crystallized way, especially as it relates to the book of Exodus. In Exodus God delivered His people from Egypt, brought them across the Red Sea, fed and cared for them in the wilderness, and brought them to […]