It is the Lord’s mercy that we would see what real oneness in the Body of Christ is. The real oneness among the believers is not according to preference, taste, disposition, or culture, but it is the mingling of the processed Triune God with the believers. The oneness revealed in the whole New Testament is […]
the application of the heavenly “paint” brings us into the genuine oneness
the saints’ living together in oneness in the church life is blessed by God

This week we are enjoying the wonderful Psalm 133 concerning the Lord’s commanded blessing on the brothers dwelling in oneness. Our church life is not an individual life but a corporate life, a collective life, and our experience of the church life has at least four aspects: it is a corporate experience, an ascending experience, […]
when we move out of ourselves and into the Triune God, we are one and even perfected into one!
Saints, the Lord Jesus knows our problem. He knows that we need to abide in Him so that He may abide in us and bear fruit in us (John 15:1-15). What does it mean, in this context, to abide in the Lord? It means that we need to move out of ourselves and into the Triune God as the universal vine and remain there!
that they all may be one even as You Father are in Me and I in You! (university training)
This year’s University Training was thought-provoking and exposing, but most of all it was very enjoyable! Even though I missed the first three days I felt that I gained so many valuable points. Before going into the training I had so many questions and thoughts on my mind regarding my future and what the Lord wanted […]
sharing from the recent conference – Knowing the Crystallized Significance of the Body of Christ
After a wonderful weekend at the International Conference in Holland, the response in my being to the rich speaking we received on ‘Knowing the Crystallized Significance of the Body of Christ’ is a huge and resounding Amen. I quote the speaking brother “Lord, now after a quarter century we are here again”. Not since Stuttgart 1985, […]
our ultimate responsibility as Christians is to live Christ for the Body
As Christians, what is our responsibility? Our ultimate responsibility as Christians is not just to preach the gospel, but to live Christ and to meet together in our locality in such a way that we may be the Body of Christ, the new man, the lampstand, and the bride. Our meeting should be in oneness. […]