As believers in Christ, we need to not only have the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, our Lord, which comes by revelation, but also pay the price to gain Christ, gain His very person, by experiencing Christ in a subjective way. Amen! When Paul said in Phil. 3 that he wanted to […]
Pay the Price to Gain Christ with His Riches and Know Christ by Experiencing Him
We need to Pray for Christ to be Everything to us and Apply Christ in our Daily Life

We need to pray for Christ to be everything to us and apply Christ in our daily life so that we may live Christ and express Him for the genuine church life. As believers in Christ who love the Lord and want to pursue Him to gain Him, we need to see a heavenly […]
To Labor on Christ is to Exercise our Spirit in our daily life to Experience Christ

We labor on Christ by exercising our spirit to contact the Lord and being one with Him in every situation; the way to labor on Christ is to exercise our spirit to experience Christ in all situations and circumstances so that we gain more of Christ day by day. When we thus labor on Christ […]
Not Dwelling on our Past but Seeking to Gain Christ Today even in our Sufferings

May we be those who do not dwell on our past but seek to gain Christ today, even in our sufferings! There’s a great contrast between the way Job and Paul reacted to suffering; Job was perplexed and disturbed, even cursing the day of his birth, while Paul never complained but rather took the death […]
Having an Experiential Knowledge of Christ and Paying the Price to Gain Christ

For us to have the excellency of the knowledge of Christ is by revelation, but for us to know Christ is by experience – we need to have an experiential knowledge of Christ, that is, know and enjoy Christ in an experiential way. Like Paul, we need to desire to live in the righteousness of […]
Fight the Battle to Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ for the Building up of the Church

If we would possess and enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land, we must engage in spiritual warfare to defeat the satanic forces which hinder us from the enjoyment of the all-inclusiveness of Christ. On His side, God desires to give us the good land, and He has promised it to […]
The Church is Built with the Christ Experienced, Gained, and Enjoyed by God’s People

I am looking forward to the next Crystallization-Study of Exodus when we will dive deeper into the divine revelation concerning the tabernacle, the dwelling place of God among men, but in this morning revival we are only touching the surface and having a foretaste of this matter. What is in God’s heart, the reason for […]