Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would learn to function in the Lord’s table meeting in a connected way, coordinating together like a team to pray, speak, and sing hymns and to praise and thank the Lord (Eph. 5:18b-20; Hymns, #867). Hymns, #867, stanza 1 As members of the Body Christ we would […]
Let us pray for the saints to learn to function in the Lord’s table meeting in a coordinated way
As we Function Organically in the Church Life, the Triune God moves together with us

As we function organically in the church life, the Triune God moves together with us to speak in us and through us for the building up of the church. The organic function of the organic Body of Christ is in the local expressions of the Body and by the move of the Triune God in […]
Being Perfected to Function in our Measure in the Meetings for the Building of the Body

What a great need is there for us all to be perfected to function in our measure in the meetings of the church for the building up of the Body of Christ! Our meetings as believers in Christ should always be linked to God’s New Testament economy, and we should speak by focusing on God’s […]
We Enjoy Christ and Function to Exhibit Christ in the Meetings, thus Doing God’s Will

God’s will is in Christ – it is concentrated in Christ and is for Christ, and Christ is everything in the will of God; therefore, we do God’s will as we exhibit Christ in the meetings. Amen! On one hand in the meetings of the church we receive a personal benefit by contacting the Lord, […]