Recognize our Measure in the Body and Know our Need for the Function of other Members

We need to have a sense, a consciousness, of the Body of Christ as the one new man, and we need to recognize our measure, not go beyond it, be blended with others, not consider ourselves more highly than others, but have a Body-consciousness and allow the Body to rule out any individualistic thought and […]

Being Perfected to Function in our Measure in the Meetings for the Building of the Body

What a great need is there for us all to be perfected to function in our measure in the meetings of the church for the building up of the Body of Christ! Our meetings as believers in Christ should always be linked to God’s New Testament economy, and we should speak by focusing on God’s […]

We Enjoy Christ and Function to Exhibit Christ in the Meetings, thus Doing God’s Will

God’s will is in Christ – it is concentrated in Christ and is for Christ, and Christ is everything in the will of God; therefore, we do God’s will as we exhibit Christ in the meetings. Amen! On one hand in the meetings of the church we receive a personal benefit by contacting the Lord, […]

Function in the Body for the Growth of the Body unto the Building up of itself in Love

How we need to function in the Body for the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love! As we grow up into the Head in life, our function will come out from the Head for the building up of the Body; the building up of the Body of Christ under […]

We need to Grow in Christ and be Perfected to Function for the Building up of the Body

For the one new man to come into existence practically and function properly, we all need to grow in the divine life unto maturity and we need to be perfected in our function so that all the perfected members of the Body would build up the Body by functioning in their measure. There may be […]

The New Man is Perfected by our Growing in Life and being Perfected in our Function

In Eph. 4 we see the perfecting of the new man through the growth in life; just as a man needs to be perfected and grow through cherishing and nourishing, so the new man needs to be perfected to function in a normal way. We cannot have a part in the producing of the new […]

Allowing ourselves to be Limited by the other Members, not Going beyond our Measure

As members of the Body of Christ, we must allow ourselves to be limited by the other members, and we should not go beyond our measure, which measure God has allotted to us in the Body. This week we have seen three main principles of the Body of Christ, three organic principles that we need […]