It is quite amazing to realise that the record in Numbers is structured with the Divine Trinity, and that we need the Divine Trinity for following the Lord, serving Him, and being supplied by Him. There are at least five main cases in Numbers that shows us the Divine Trinity working, operating, and being manifested […]
We need the Divine Trinity to Function, to Follow the Lord, and to Quench our Thirst
We need to Realise that our Priestly Service is in the Nature of Spiritual Warfare

Our service as priests is in the nature of a warfare, for we are a priestly army and whenever we do any service for God, it is in the nature of spiritual warfare; all our priestly service is a spiritual fight. We should not be, however, warfare-focused but rather, as we clearly see in picture […]
As Levites we Handle Christ and as Priests we Minister Him with His Riches to Others

As believers in Christ we are priests to God and our full-time job is to handle Christ (as the priests handled the items of the tabernacle) and the church, and to minister Christ in all His rich aspects to people. The book of Numbers is a book of service, and this service is a holy […]
Being the Ezekiels of Today to have the Heavens Opened and See Visions of God

This week we start our deeper study on Ezekiel, the crystallization-study of Ezekiel (part 1), and in particular we focus on Visions of God and the Unveiling of God’s Purpose and the Desire of His Heart. Ezekiel chapter 1 is the deepest chapter in the Bible, and if you read it you may not understand […]
Loving the Lord with the First Love, Being His Testimony, and Functioning as Priests

May we be those who are loving the Lord with the first and best love, those who are His testimony on earth today, and who function as priests in the church life! In His epistle to the first church, the church in Ephesus, in Rev. 2, the Lord appreciates some of the things she has, […]
Being those Functioning as Priests of the Gospel in the Church as the Body of Christ

The New Testament service ordained by God is that all His believers are priests to God to serve God with the offerings that He desires (Rev. 1:5-6; 5:9-10; 1 Pet. 2:5, 9). Today God does not desire physical sacrifices (such as lambs, bulls, pigeons, etc); He is delighted and satisfied with Christ, and we need […]
Lighting the Lamps in the Sanctuary signifies the Proper Way to Meet as Christians

The priests in the Old Testament did three main things: they offered the sacrifices (in the outer court), they light the lamps (in the Holy Place), and they burn the incense (in the Holy of Holies). Offering the sacrifices in the outer court was on the altar on behalf of the people; the people of […]