We all need to be perfected to function in our measure for the direct building up of the Body of Christ; when all the saints are perfected by the gifted ones, they will do the work of the ministry, and the Body of Christ is built up. We need to be saved from the wrong […]
We are being Perfected to Function for the Direct Building up of the Body of Christ
We need to Live out and Work out the New Jerusalem in the Mingling of God and Man

What the Lord desires to gain is the New Jerusalem as the consummation of the Body of Christ, and for us to live out the New Jerusalem is to grow up into the Head by the mingling of God with man. Furthermore, to work out the New Jerusalem is to function out from the Head […]
Experience Christ to Grow in Life and Function for the New Man to be Perfect Functionally

In order for the one new man to become perfect functionally, we all need to experience Christ so that He may be wrought into us to be our everything; as Christ saturates us, we as His members are joined and knit together, and we function in our measure for the building up of the Body. […]
Being Body-Conscious by Caring for the Body and having Christ’s Feeling for the Body

The church is the Body of Christ, and we all are members of the Body; for the Lord’s move in His recovery both locally and universally, we all must be Body-conscious in one accord, always caring for the Body and doing what’s best for the Body. When we see the Lord Jesus for the first […]
Holding the Faith, Enjoying the Lord, and Functioning as Members of the Body

The church in Pergamos, the church in union with the world, held the teaching of Balaam and the teaching of the Nicolaitans; what started as the practice of the Nicolaitans in Ephesus now became a teaching in Pergamos. The Lord’s speaking to this church as recorded in Rev. 2 is applicable to our situation today. […]