Dear saints, let us pray that the trainees would be transformed in their character to be useful to the Lord in His service (Rom. 12:2; 2 Tim. 2:15, 21; 4:11; Philem. 1:11). We must receive some amount of transformation in what we are in our character. Humanly speaking, our character may have been very much […]
Let us pray for the trainees to be transformed in their character
Let us pray for the trainees to diligently practice the cultivation of their spiritual capacity

Dear saints, let us pray that the trainees would diligently practice the cultivation of their spiritual capacity in the preaching of the gospel, the nourishing of the young believers, the perfecting of the saints, and the prophesying of the word of God for the building up of the local churches, consummating in the building up […]
Let us pray for the trainees to be equipped in the realization of the divine truths

Dear saints, let us pray that the trainees would be equipped in the realization of the divine truths according to the Scriptures by the revelation of the Holy Spirit and would spend much time and effort to study the truth so that they may be fully equipped for the Lord’s service (1 Tim. 2:4; 2 […]
being saved from Satan’s usurpation and occupation to meet God’s need(2011 Poland camp)
Wow, what a wonderful Christ we have! This week at the Poland camp has really given me a different view of the world. Everything around us is just like Egypt – corrupted, perverted, vain, and all for temporary self-satisfaction. All the worldly enjoyment are used by Satan to usurp, occupy, and enslave us – he […]
we can be the dispensational instrument that the Lord needs today(sharing from the 2011 Poland camp)
Every year, hundreds of young people from all over the globe travel to a small village in Poland called Male Ciche to consecrate one whole week for the enjoyment of Christ and to be constituted with the Word of God. This year’s conference was no exception, and although the rain was falling all week, this […]