In the book of Colossians, there are a number of important phrases that point to our experience of Christ; as we read and pray over this book, we will have a complete picture of the proper experience of Christ. In this book we see that Christ is in us, we are full-grown in Christ, […]
Seeing a Complete Picture of the Proper Experience of Christ as seen in Colossians
We’re Branches in the True Vine of the Son and the New Child of the Spirit, the New Man

As believers in Christ, we are branches in the true vine of the Son and the new child of the Spirit, growing to be the new man – a full-grown man. The incorporation of the consummated God with the regenerated believers in resurrection issues in the Father’s house, the Son’s vine, and the Spirit’s […]
Minister Christ to others to Present every man Full-Grown in Christ to be Rapture-Ready

We need to enjoy and be filled with the riches of Christ so that we may minister Christ to others and present every man full-grown in Christ for the one new man; to be ready for rapture, we need the maturity in life. Amen! No farmer expects results right after sowing the seed; similarly, […]
We need to Labor and Struggle to Present all the Saints Full-Grown in Christ for the New Man

For the practical existence of the one new man, we need to labor and struggle to present all the saints full-grown in Christ; all the things we do should be with ministering Christ to others in view, so that we may be able to present them full-grown in Christ before God. On one hand we […]
All the Believers are Priests to Serve God with the Offerings that He Desires

The Lord Jesus redeemed us from our sins by His blood and made us a kingdom, priests to our God and Father (Rev. 1:6); the New Testament clearly tells us that all of God’s chosen people, all believers in Christ, are His priests (1 Pet. 2:5, 9; Rev. 5:10). As priests we need to have […]
Presenting Every Man Mature in Christ by Ministering Christ to them for the New Man

We need to grow unto maturity to become a part of the corporate full-grown man that fulfills God’s eternal purpose (Gen. 1:26). The goal of Paul’s ministry was to present every man full-grown in Christ for the one new man (see Col. 1:28-29). For this, he struggled, strived, and even travailed so that Christ would […]
Struggling to Minister Christ to Others to Present them Full-Grown in Christ

The Apostle Paul was a very good pattern of laboring and struggling to present every man full-grown in Christ (Col. 1:28-29). He didn’t just preach the gospel in a city and “moved on to another city”; rather, he agonized, struggled, and labored to present every man full-grown in Christ. Our service in the church is, […]