The living of the jubilee is a living in the enjoyment of Christ, a living of eating the Lord as the produce of the good land, a living that has the tone of praising God and thanking Him continually. The way for us to enjoy Christ as the jubilee is by setting our mind on […]
The Living of the Jubilee is a Living in the Enjoyment of Christ full of Rejoicing
The Result of our Justification is the Full Enjoyment of God in Christ as Life

As believers in Christ we need to have a definite understanding of the structure of the gospel of God so that we would have a firm grasp of what the gospel is and we would be filled with boldness to come forward to enjoy God’s salvation and speak to others concerning this wonderful gospel. The […]
Christ Keeps us and Brings us into the Full Enjoyment of Himself as the Good Land

After seeing what the Angel of Jehovah does for us as God’s people – from saving us from our sufferings to leading us, caring for us, serving us, executing the new covenant, carrying out God’s economy, executing God’s administration, taking possession of the whole earth, judging Babylon the Great and bringing in the kingdom of […]
Being Filled and Saturated with Christ to Express Him and become God’s Dwelling Place

The Lord today desires to recover the universal priesthood of all the believers in Christ for God’s building. He wants that all believers would be restored to a normal situation according to the divine standard from a condition of failure, degradation, loss, and abnormality. We need to be open to the Lord in a fresh […]
Gad: Recovery with Victory and Fighting for the Saints’ Full Enjoyment of Christ

While leaning on the top of his staff in his old age, Jacob blessed and prophesied over each one of his twelve sons. His life was brighter and brighter until the full day (Prov. 4:18), and even when he was old and full of days he was clear in his prophesying with blessing concerning each […]
sharing from the Crystallization-Study of Isaiah(2) – drinking Christ and being in the jubilee (part 2)

This sharing is the second part of sister Rona’s summary of what she enjoyed in the recent video training on the Crystallization-Study of Isaiah(2) – the last messages in the training. Two times a year we have these trainings where we get into the crystallization-study of a book in the Bible, and we have just […]