The church as the Body of Christ is the unique means for God to fulfill His purpose and settle all His problems, and for us to live a life for the fulfilment of His purpose, we need to know and do the will of God; God’s will is to mingle Himself with us to obtain […]
The Church is the Means used by God to Fulfill His Purpose and Settle His Problems
Experience the Subjective Truths as Spirit and Life for the Building up of the Church

As believers in Christ, we need to know, experience, and be absolute for the subjective truths; we need to know and experience the subjective truth, which is Spirit and life, for the producing and building up of the church. Indeed, God desires all men to be saved and come to the full knowledge of […]
Being Perfected and Rising up Together to Take Christ as our Person for the New Man

If we are unveiled and enlightened, we will see that we today need to rise up together and take Christ as our person for the new man, for when the new man is perfected, that’s the time for the Lord’s coming, and the perfected new man will be the bride. What the Lord is […]
Remain on the Line of life and Cooperate with God for the Fulfilment of His Purpose

In reading 1 and 2 Samuel we see many who cooperated with God for the fulfilment of His purpose; we need to be those who remain on the line of life and cooperate with God for the fulfilment of His purpose on earth, that is to gain a kingdom for His rule. Satan knows […]
We need to Love the Lord, fully Consecrate to Him, and be Beside ourselves for God

As believers in Christ who love the Lord and are consecrated to Him, we need to be beside ourselves toward God and for the gospel, giving our all for the Lord’s sake and for the sake of the gospel because we love the Lord and His interest here on earth. This is not one […]
Choosing to be Vitalized to be the Overcomers in the Church Life for God’s Purpose

The church life on the ground of oneness is today’s Jerusalem, and within the church life there must be a group of overcomers who are the reality of Zion; we need to be vitalized to be the overcomers in the church life today. In the Old Testament we see that the unique ground of Jerusalem […]
The New Man is a Corporate Warrior Empowered in the Lord and Putting on the Armor of God

The one new man is a corporate warrior fighting against God’s enemy; the church as the one new man fights the spiritual warfare by being empowered in the Lord and by putting on the armor of God to defeat Satan, the enemy of God. The matter of the one new man touches something deep and […]