Our God is a God of glory: the Father is a Father of glory, Christ is the Lord of glory, and the Spirit is the Spirit of glory; the glory of God is intrinsically related to the economy of God. The fact that God is the Father of glory implies that He has many […]
Experience the Spirit of Glory, for the Glory of God is Related to the Economy of God
God’s Glory is being Worked into the Saints until God is Glorified in the Church!

Both in the gospel of John and in Ephesians we see that God is glorified in the church, and for eternity the New Jerusalem has the glory of God, His expression. In the gospel of John we see the Lord Jesus coming as God incarnated, and those around Him saw the glory of God in […]
Christ is Leading the Many Sons of God into Glory to be God’s Expression Corporately

What is the church according to the Bible, and what is God’s purpose for the church? Many people think that church is that building on the corner of the street with a tall steeple and a cross on top of it. Many believers believe that the church is the gathering of the Christians, the family […]
A Panoramic View of the Glory of God in the Economy of God: We are Destined to Glory

The New Jerusalem has the glory of God as its content, and it expresses God by shining Him out to the entire universe (Rev. 21:10-11). The glory of God is intrinsically related to the economy of God. In His economy, God wants to make the same as He is in life and nature (but not […]
the normal Christian life and the normal church life: day by day, glory to glory, and house to house!
Praise the Lord for the genuine church life in the Lord’s recovery! I am so grateful to the Lord for bringing me into His up-to-date move, into what He desires to do today – the Lord’s recovery! As we were watching message 10 from the Crystallization Study of the Psalms (1), entitled, Christ as the […]
The Spirit in our spirit is spreading into our soul and is transforming us from glory to glory!

Recently, I have been enjoying “The way for a Christian to mature in life” by brother Witness Lee and what impressed is that as Christians we are sons marked out for glory who will be transformed into God’s image, that is, we will be transformed from glory to glory. 2 Cor 3:18 says: But we all […]
we are now in the process of becoming like Him
God became a man in the Lord Jesus Christ for the purpose of making us also the same as He is! His hearts’ desire is to have man as His counterpart (Rev. 19:7), His expression, the same as He is. That’s why He “bothered” / “took the pain” of becoming a man: the infinite God […]