We need to see that Satan captured us, then came to dwell in us as the instigator of our sins, and he has become our illegal master while we are his captives who cannot but commit sins; but praise the Lord, in the jubilee we can receive and enjoy God sufficiently to be released from […]
Enjoy Christ Sufficiently to be Freed from Bondage and have God as our Possession
The Center of the New Covenant is the Inner Law of Life which Operates Spontaneously

Praise the Lord for the inner law of life, the law of the Spirit of life, which has been installed in our inner being at the time of our regeneration, to constitute us with the element of God, regulate us from within, and cause us to know God in the way of life! Hallelujah! In […]
The Law of the Spirit of Life in our Spirit Spontaneously Delivers us from the Law of Sin

In Rom. 8 Paul made a great discovery: he discovered that the law of the Spirit of life (the automatic principle and spontaneous power of the divine life) is stronger than the law of sin and of death, and when we activate this law, we are free from the power of sin! Hallelujah! God passed […]
learning to activate the law of the Spirit of life in a simple way
Recently, I have really enjoyed a fresh and new appreciation of the law of the Spirit of life, and how much we need to SEE how this law can free us from all our struggling and strife. Many times, even in the church life, we would activate the law of good in our soul to […]