Even though the word economy is not used in the Old Testament books, yet the typology of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers unveils God’s economy; we need to receive the revelation concerning God and God’s economy. In these books we see the economy of God in pictures, while in the New Testament we see it in […]
We Need to receive the Revelation concerning God and God’s Economy for God’s Building
God is Mingled with Man to form a Fighting Unit of Eternal and Perfect Government

It is quite wonderful to see that, according to the book of Numbers, in the Israelites encamping in array, their formation shows us that God is mingled with the created man, forming a unit of eternal and perfect government. In the first chapter of Numbers we see the formation of the army to fight for […]
In gaining a Fighting Army God wants a Corporate Man to Subdue and Regain the Earth

In the forming of the house of Israel into a fighting army we see the principle revealed in Gen. 1:26-28, that is, that God desires a corporate man to represent Him in subduing and regaining the earth from the usurping hand of Satan. The book of Numbers show us how God’s people were formed into […]
Being Formed into an Army to Fight for the Protection of God’s Testimony on Earth

The book of Numbers records how God’s chosen and redeemed people were formed into an army – a priestly army – to journey with God and fight with God for His interest on earth (see Num. 1:1-4:49; 9:15-10:36; 12:16; 20:1-21:35; 31:1-54; 33:1-49). In ch. 1 of Numbers there’s a numbering of the people for the […]
We’re Being Built up in the Body to Fight under the Blessing of God and Take the Land

As believers in Christ, we are being built up into the organic Body of Christ to fight for the carrying out of God’s economy, and we are being made ready to take the good land and fight under the blessing of God in His Divine Trinity. The history of the children of Israel is a […]
Being Formed into a Corporate Joshua to Take the Land by Enjoying the All-inclusive Christ

In order for us to possess the good land and defeat the satanic forces, we need to be formed into a corporate Joshua, an army, so that we may take the land and enjoy Christ in His all-inclusiveness. We have seen that for us to enjoy Christ as the all-inclusive One, the reality of the […]
Being Joined together in the Way of Life through Grafting for the Building of God

The revelation in Ezekiel 37 shows that the unique way to have the Body, the church, and the House of God in the genuine oneness is the way of life, just as the bones came together and were enlivened to become an army, and the two pieces of wood were joined to be one in […]