Acts 26:18 reveals the contents of our divine commission to serve according to the heavenly vision of God’s economy; we need to see the high and perfect gospel, pray over the contents of the gospel, ask the Lord to make them our experience and reality so that we can bring others into this experience […]
Enter into the Experience and Reality of the High and Perfect Gospel (Acts 26:18)
God’s Complete Salvation is His Judicial Redemption plus His Organic Salvation

God’s complete salvation is of two aspects – the judicial aspect and the organic aspect; there is the judicial redemption and the organic salvation, and we as believers in Christ partake of such a wonderful, all-inclusive, complete salvation. Hallelujah! This week in our morning revival we come to a new topic, The Two Aspects […]
Based on the Blood of Christ, God Forgives and Forgets our Sins and we Fellowship with God

Praise the Lord, God is propitious to our unrighteousnesses and He forgives and forgets our sins according to the new covenant, based on the blood of Christ! And the more He forgives us, the more we love Him and fear Him, for He forgives and forgets our sins, erasing them from His memory! Praise the […]
We need to See and Appropriate the Contents of the New Covenant as God’s Bequests to us

Praise the Lord for the new covenant! We need to see and appropriate the contents of the new covenant as God’s bequests to us, from the forgiveness of our sins to the imparting of the law of life, having God as our God and being His people, and knowing God inwardly in the way of […]
Receive Forgiveness of Sins and Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ in the Church Life

We need to fulfill our divine commission to help others receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those sanctified by faith in the Lord (Acts 26:18). Before we can help anyone else to be saved, repent, have forgiveness of sins, and enjoy Christ as their God-allotted portion, we ourselves need to go through this […]
In Christ as the Sure Mercies of God we have Forgiveness of Sins and Justification

Through this One, Christ as the holy and faithful things as the sure mercies from God, forgiveness of sins is announced to us, and in this One everyone who believes is justified (see Acts 13:38-39). Jesus Christ is the Son of God who became man through incarnation, and then He went through human living, death, […]
Christ Poured His Blood for Forgiveness of Sins and for Enacting the New Covenant

The Lord Jesus as the reality of the trespass offering poured out His blood for the forgiveness of sins and for the enacting of the new covenant. God’s righteous requirements were satisfied by Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, and His precious blood was shed, even poured out, for the forgiveness of sins and for enacting […]