We need to stay under the ruling of the enthroned peace of Christ and minister life to others, by the Lord’s grace. If we allow the peace of Christ to arbitrated in our hearts, this peace will settle all the disputes among us, and we will have peace both with God vertically and with […]
Stay under the Ruling of the Enthroned Peace of Christ and Minister Life to Others
We need to Cooperate with the Lord to Enlarge our Heart and be Delivered from Pride

Many difficulties arise in the church today because we do not have an enlarged heart; pride comes from a narrow heart, and we all need to ask the Lord to enlarge our heart day by day that we may be delivered from pride. When Solomon was about to be king, he prayed for wisdom to […]
Seeing the Expressions of the Self to Deny the Self for the Building of the Church

The Lord Jesus said that, if we want to follow Him, we should deny the self; today we want to see what are some expressions of the self and how we can exercise the key of denying the self to lock up the self in every situation. What is the self, and why do we […]
Not Mistreating our Fellow Believers but being Kind and Ministering Christ to them

The spontaneous result and issue of our seeing the highest peak of the divine revelation – the fact that God became man to make man God in life and nature but not in the Godhead for Him to have a corporate expression – is that we live the life of a God-man, a duplication of […]
Being Renewed in the Spirit of Our Mind and Living a Forgiving Life for the Body

How can we live a life for the building up of the Body of Christ? In Ephesians 4:17-32 we have many hints, some more outward and practical while others intrinsic and enjoyable, on how we can practically live a life for the carrying out of the work of the ministry, which is the building up […]
practical ways to live in the divine history within the human history

This week we are going deeper into the matter of living in the divine history within the human history by getting into the matter of, The Universal History according to God’s Economy — the Divine History within the Human History. Today in particular I was impressed with some simple yet practical ways of living in […]
the Lord’s prayer as a pattern of caring for God’s need and also for our need

The Lord’s prayer in Matt. 6:9-13 is a pattern of how we as the kingdom people should pray. This prayer is all-inclusive, taking care both of God, His name, His kingdom, His glory, His will, and also of our need. When we pray, we firstly take care of God and His interest, and then we […]