If we would work with the Lord for the Body of Christ, we need to realize that in the Lord’s recovery there is only one work — the work of the Body. God has only one work that He is doing today – the work of building up the Body of Christ. What we are […]
working with the Lord for the Body and not doing our own personal work
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, consecration, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, God's economy, His heart's desire, morning revival, serving the saints, the Body of Christ, the Christian Life, the church life, the high peak, the Lord's recovery Tagged With: build up the Body, fellowship with the Body, for the Body, God does only one work, God is working Himself into us, God's central work, holy word for morning revival, our personal work, taking the lead as Elders and Responsible Ones, the work of the Body, worked on by the Lord, working with the Lord
learning to reject ourselves and live by the divine life for the Body of Christ

When the Lord Jesus was on the earth, He did not do anything from Himself (see John 5:19) or for Himself – He did everything as He saw the Father doing, and whatever the Father said, that’s what the Son also said. The Lord Jesus as the God-man could have lived His own life by […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, God became a man, His heart's desire, morning revival, our birthright, the Body of Christ, the Christian Life, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: for the Body, God wants the Body of Christ, holy word for morning revival, live by the divine life, not doing anything in ourselves, not seeking our own will, rejecting ourselves, seeking God's will, taking the lead as Elders and Responsible Ones, the bountiful supply, the Lord is our pattern
testimony from being in the training – give yourself to love the Lord and be in the Body!
What is the Full Time Training? In the words on the FTTL website, “Every Christian needs training. Without training, we will not experience and enjoy Christ’s riches in full. We also need training to function and serve the Lord profitably. The Full-Time Training in London provides a special opportunity to be trained to enjoy Christ, […]
Filed Under: consecration, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, His heart's desire, longings, love the Lord, serving the saints, the Body of Christ, the Lord's recovery Tagged With: closest and most intimate fellowship, enter into His heart, for the Body, FTTL, full-time training in London, give the Lord the best love, give yourself to love the Lord, just love Him, no greater joy, pursuing the truth, the best time of my life, the full time training, trainee testimony, waste ourselves on Him