If we want to enjoy Christ as our kingdom reward, we must love the Lord and His appearing, being lovers of God in today’s age of the church’s decline; the Lord’s appearing is His manifestation to us today and His presence with His people at His second coming. Amen! This week we come to the […]
We Love the Lord’s Appearing to Enjoy Christ as our Kingdom Reward at His Coming
Cooperate with Christ’s Sevenfold Intensified Heavenly Ministry to be His Overcomers

Today we are in the age of intensification, and we are continually being saved from degradation by loving the Lord with the first love and by the speaking of the sevenfold intensified Spirit; Christ’s sevenfold intensified heavenly ministry will consummate this age and bring in the New Jerusalem. Praise the Lord! The New Testament […]
Christ is the Sevenfold Intensified Spirit to Intensify His Organic Salvation

Because of the degradation of the church, Christ as the life-giving Spirit has been intensified sevenfold to become the seven Spirits of God (Rev. 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6); Christ as the sevenfold intensified Spirit intensifies His organic salvation to save the believers from any degradation. Amen! The full ministry of Christ has three stages […]
Overcome the Loss of the First Love for the Lord by Giving Him the First Place in All Things

As believers in Christ, we need to love the Lord Jesus with the first love, the best love; we need to overcome the loss of the first love and simply give the Lord Jesus the preeminence in all things, giving Him the first place in both big and small things. Amen! When we love […]
Being Stirred up to Love the Lord Jesus with the First Love and Eat the Tree of Life

The genuine ministry of the New Testament always stirs us up to love the Lord Jesus with the first love, strengthening us in the simplicity of eating and enjoying Christ as the tree of life for our life supply; to love Him is to give Him preeminence in all things, being constrained by His love. […]
Loving the Lord to Experience and Live out the Triune God and Minister Him for His Expression

Through faith we receive Christ, and through love we enjoy Him; love is for experiencing, enjoying, and living out the immeasurably rich Triune God, for love issues out of faith and enables us to live out all the riches of the Triune God with the believers in Christ to be His corporate expression. Hallelujah! In […]
We should not Forsake God as our Husband but Live in the Organic Union of God and Man

As believers in Christ, we need to remain in the organic union of God with His people, realizing that He is our Husband and we are His wife, therefore depending on Him about everything by living in the organic union of God and man. If we don’t do this, degradation, failure, and rottenness ensue, just […]