As those who love the Lord and seek after Him, we need to have adequate times of prayer to absorb the Lord and be filled with the Spirit, and we need to come to the throne of grace to receive grace and mercy to recharge our spiritual batteries. Amen! Three of the most wonderful […]
Allow Adequate Time for Prayer to Come to the Throne of Grace and Enjoy Mercy and Grace
We need to Find Grace in the Eyes of the Lord and Depend on His Grace in Everything

Like Noah did in his age, we need to find grace in the eyes of the Lord; we need the grace of God for us to live our Christian life and to face the situations and things coming our way, for only God coming to us to be our strength and everything can face […]
Pray to be One with Christ, Put the Flesh to Death one with the Spirit, and Live in Spirit

For us to deal with the flesh, we need to pray to be one with Christ, put the flesh to death one with the Spirit, and live in the mingled spirit. The main purpose of the record of Genesis is not to show the fall of man but to show how much God’s grace […]
As Priests we Come Forward to the Throne of Grace to Receive Mercy and Find Grace

The Lord’s heart’s desire is not only to save us from the world, from sin, and from the self; He wants all His people to be a kingdom of priests, kings and priests to God. As God’s spiritual people today we are His personal treasure, His peculiar possession, so that we may be a kingdom […]