Even though man was created by God in His image and according to His likeness (Gen. 1:26), man cannot express God unless he receives the life of God – and this is the reason God put man in front of the tree of life (Gen. 2:9). Unless man receives God’s life and enjoys this life […]
God Doesn’t want a Good and Upright Man but a God-man filled with God to Express Him
Holy Priests go to God for People; Royal Priests come from God to Minister God to People

Since all believers are priests to God, we need to know and realize what a priest is according to the Bible, otherwise we are not living and functioning as a priest of God. According to the entire revelation of the Bible, a priest is one who goes to God to spend time with God, be […]
A Priest is a Person Saturated and Filled with God until God Overflows through him

As believers in Christ, we are a kingdom of priests, the corporate priesthood of God, those who are not only called, saved, and regenerated by God but who also are priests to God. The term “priest” has been spoiled and thus much misunderstood in today’s Christianity, so much so that many believers would not even […]
Blessing is the Overflow of the Divine Life that Inwardly Changes us and Fills us

The issue of Jacob’s transformation and maturity was blessing – he blessed everyone! At the end of his life, when he went to Egypt, all Jacob did was to bless: he blessed Pharaoh, he blessed his sons, and he blessed Joseph’s sons. The issue of maturity in life and of the reigning aspect of a […]
Maturity is Being Emptied to have an Increased Capacity to be Filled with God

God’s purpose can be fulfilled only through a transformed and mature corporate man, and we as believers in Christ today are in the process not only of transformation but also of maturity. In the process of transformation we have God’s divine life transforming and inwardly replacing our natural life, and in the process of maturity […]
Man is a Vessel to Receive God by Eating, Drinking, and Breathing in God

The central vision of Paul’s completing ministry is God in us as our contents, Christ as the mystery of God, and the church as the mystery of Christ. First of all, we need to see that God made us as vessels to contain Him, and He wants to be our content. It is only in […]
Being the Sons of Fresh Oil Today, those Filled with the God as Golden Oil

We need to see a vision of the two olive trees on the two sides of the lampstand in Zech. 4:11-14. Because God’s testimony among His people on earth was waning and declining, there was the need for two olive trees, two sons of oil, who would pour out oil into the lampstand and strengthen […]