In the church life in the Lord’s recovery today we need Ezras, priestly teachers who contact God and are filled with God and are skilled in the word of God; their teaching is an opening of the veil for others to see the heavenly truths of God’s economy and apply them to their daily […]
Being Priestly Teachers Filled with God and Skilled in the Word to Teach the Truth
Learn the Secret of Prayer to Allow God to Express Himself from Within us in Prayer

Real prayer is the Christ indwelling us praying to the Christ on the throne, for we are mingled with God and one with God to the extent that He as the Spirit joins in our weakness and prays in our prayer, and He knows what God’s mind is and what to pray for. Amen! […]
Seeing the Progressive Revelation of God in the Bible and Seeking God to Gain God

Job and his friends probably lived in the age of Abraham, and the revelation of God in the Bible was in its primitive stage at that time; Job’s real need is God Himself, and God’s dealings with him were so that he would be stripped of his self-attainments and be emptied to seek God deeper […]
Being open to God to Gain an Eternal Weight of Glory even as Sufferings Consume us

How privileged we are today to see that the momentary lightness of affliction works out for us an eternal weight of glory, and our sufferings are the means for God to have a way to work Himself more into us! Amen! In a proper and good way, we all need to become more spiritual, that […]
Cooperating with the Inner Operating and Motivating God by Outwardly Serving Him

What is the service that is from God? What is the service that we can offer to God and is according to God’s desire, has God as its source, and is pleasing to God? The service that is from God takes God (and not ourselves) as the source, and it is by the Spirit of […]
Being Mingled with God and Sinking Deeply into God to Build up the Church in Oneness

It is so enlightening to see the intrinsic significance of the materials of the temple and to realize that God desires a building – the church as the temple of God, and for this we need to have certain experiences of Christ in the Body and for the Body, so that God would gain what […]
Growing in Life unto Maturity to be Formed as an Army to Fight the Spiritual Warfare

As believers in Christ we love God, pursue Him, seek to know Him, desire to experience Him in a deeper way, and care more for His interests than for our need. The more time we spend with God, the more we enjoy and experience Christ as the reality of all the furnishings in the tabernacle, […]