If we believers in Christ see the vision of the all-inclusiveness and extensiveness of Christ, we will concentrate our whole being on this Christ, and He will fill and saturate us until to us to live is Christ; for us to be full-grown in Christ is to be filled and saturated with Christ. Amen! This […]
Being Filled and Saturated with Christ to Live Christ and be Full-Grown in Christ
A Good Minister of Christ is Nourished with the Word and Serves Christ to Others

As believers in Christ, we need to be a good minister of Christ Jesus, those who are first being nourished with the words of the faith and of the good teaching in God’s Word and then lay these things before others to minister the riches of Christ to them for their nourishment and supply. […]
Drink the Spirit by Speaking with Christ Constantly and Eat Christ by eating His Words

As believers in Christ, we can live in the Divine Trinity by enjoying Christ as our life supply; we need to daily drink the Spirit as the living water and eat Christ as our spiritual food so that we may live Christ and express Christ. Amen! It should be easy for us to live […]
Contact the Lord to be Filled with Christ as the Wisdom of God and be Children of Wisdom

Christ is the wisdom of God, and whatever He did was by the wisdom of God, and wisdom is only in Christ; for us to have wisdom, we need to exercise our whole being to contact Christ so that He may saturate our spirit and our mind with Himself as wisdom. People think they are […]
Allow the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ to Fill us and Replace our Culture with Himself

Instead of allowing our culture to replace Christ, we need to enjoy and experience the all-inclusive, extensive Christ and allow Him to replace our culture with Himself. Amen! The book of Colossians was written by Paul to both expose culture (which has replaced Christ in the enjoyment and experience of the believers at Colossae) and […]
Today’s Nazarites Overcome Natural Affection and are Separated from Death

As the Nazarites of today, we need to remain in our separation to be holy to God, overcome natural affection, and be separated from death in any of its forms. In Num. 6 we see that God has made a provision for all His people who want to serve Him that they would consecrate themselves […]
A Nazarite has a Submissive Spirit and is Absolutely Subject to the Lord’s Headship

Being a Nazarite means that we do not reject but are absolutely subject under the Lord’s headship as well as to all the deputy authorities appointed by God, as indicated by a Nazarite not shaving his head but letting his hair grow long. The first thing related to a Nazarite was that he had to […]