To live by faith, following in the steps of Abraham’s faith, we need to fight for the brother by interceding for them and ministering life to them; we minister life to others by shepherding others according to God, by cherishing and nourishing them. We need to realize that we are sons of Abraham, his […]
Ministering Life by Shepherding others according to God (Cherishing and Nourishing)
We Live by Faith by Fighting for the Brother as a Response to Christ’s Interceding

For us as believers in Christ to live by faith as Abraham did, we need to be those fighting for the brother as a response to Christ’s interceding for us and saving us in His life. On one hand, we need to follow in the steps of that faith of Abraham by living the […]
Christ as our High Priest is Interceding for us and He is Ministering God into us

Christ in His ascension is our High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek; He intercedes for us to be His overcomers to defeat His enemies so that Christ may be manifested in His second coming, and He ministers God into us. This week in the morning revival we are enjoying the topic of, The […]
Standing for God on Earth and Overcoming the Temptation of Material Possessions

The history of Abraham rescuing his nephew Lot is full of spiritual significance, and Abraham is a pattern to us today in our life of living by faith. To live by faith doesn’t mean only to live a life of the altar and the tent, fully trusting in the Lord in our consecrated life and […]
Knowing Christ as the High Priest in His Heavenly Ministry and Cooperating with Him

Who is this “Melchizedek” and why is Christ a “High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek”? In the Old Testament we see a lot about the priesthood according to the order of Aaron, but what about this Melchizedek? Also, as believers in Christ today, how can we cooperate with our interceding High Priest, Christ […]